Samsung reveals 19 inch AMOLED monitor | PC Monitors

Samsung reveals 19 inch AMOLED monitor Samsung have demonstrated yet another world-first by flaunting a prototype 19 inch transparent AMOLED monitor. Samsang see this concept as a useful way of displaying information in shop windows or advertising on pretty much any glass surface; they also hope that one day it could be implemented onto helmets,…

Samsung Syncmaster f2380

Most monitors released these past few years have been aimed at the modern home user who requires an affordable panel that is responsive with a bright and sharp image โ€“ offering good performance for internet browsing, movies and games. A recent push has also been made by manufacturers wanting to enhance the experience for home…

OLED monitor article | PC Monitors

OLED monitor article PC Monitors takes an insightful look at OLED (organic light emitting diode) technology that will likely be found in the computer monitors of tomorrow. We look at how OLED monitors work on a scientific level and look at the slight variations in OLED technology that exist for a wide variety of useful…

Iiyama ProLite T2250MTS review | PC Monitors

Feb 17th 2010 Multitouch is becoming increasingly popular in the smartphone market, in tablet PCs and even in laptop touchpads. But one of the much raved about benefits of Windows, native touchscreen and gesture support, has also opened up a market for touchscreen desktop PC monitors. This is a market that Iiyama has been quick…