Samsung shuns 3D Vision with its 750 and 950 series 3D monitors | PC Monitors

Samsung shuns 3D Vision with its 750 and 950 series 3D monitors

There are many things to like about the soon to be released (touch wood, or indeed brushed metal) 750 and 950 series 3D computer monitors from Samsung. They are aesthetically very appealing pieces of kit which will offer a true 120Hz refresh rate – perhaps most refreshing, if Samsung can pull this one off properly, is that the 27″ varients of the SA750 and SA950 could satisfy the needs of gamers interested in both 2D and 3D in ways that the 120Hz Acer HN274H could not.

Unlike the Acer, Samsung’s 750 and 950 series will include a proprietary Samsung system based on a pair of included SSG-3100GB (or similar) active shutter glasses and the onboard wizardry to do something with them. Recent information suggests that Samsung’s upcoming PC monitors will utilise TriDef 3D software by DDD to deliver users a stereoscopic 3D experience but will offer no support whatsoever for Nvidia 3DTV Play and are not ‘Nvidia 3D Vision ready’. The last point is a little ambiguous as clearly Nvidia 3D Vision is not suppoted ‘out of the box’ from a product that doesn’t include its transmitter unit or indeed the correct active shutter glasses. There is a difference between what is supported natively vs. what is supported with additional equipment.

What the article seems to be implying, however, is that even if you already own an Nvidia 3D Vision kit or plan on using one with the upcoming Samsung monitors they will somehow not work with the system. The author of the article could simply be getting the wrong end of the stick (we are not sure on their source – they simply state ‘Nvidia’ without specific attribution) but some driver-level incompatabilities, whether forced by either side or not, are possible. Either way – we can’t wait to have a play with Samsung’s upcoming toys when they are released (fingers crossed for May or June) and are fairly confident that Samsung’s expertise coupled with a true 120Hz refresh rate should offer a compelling experience to gamers in particular.

The article and comments featured therein also reinforce the idea that we have commented on previously – the SA950 should support 120Hz via DVI Dual-Link and DisplayPort whilst the SA750 should support 120Hz via DisplayPort only. We hope to bring you more news on these very exciting computer monitors as soon as we can.